Monday, March 31, 2014

Altered states of consciousness

Altered states of consciousness
By Jimmy Henderson 

Our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different.’
William James (Psychologist, Author)

Altered states of consciousness, during which one can gain access to higher levels of Mind, can occur as the result of illness, but can also be induced by mental processes such as meditation, contemplation and self-induced trance.

Altered states can also be induced by a raised level of consciousness, intense emotions, or rituals involving places which have a special significance. Apart from the energetic effect of such places, a visit to a sacred site or even the grave of a loved one can produce a psychological readiness and sensitize the mind to powerful subjective experiences.

However, using a traditional meditative state of mind as a starting point, it is possible to initiate more advanced mental processes which allow one to explore the depths of the psyche, bypass psychological barriers and engage the collective unconscious. The actual steps involved in these processes have been comprehensively discussed in my previous book ‘Multi-Dimensional Perception’ and it will suffice at this point to mention that they involve an advanced form of interactive visualisation combined with the use of practiced intent, in which one exercises the will to move from one point to the next.  

It is also possible to mould, shift and direct one’s consciousness to perform a variety of tasks, including extending conscious perception into one's subconscious and even beyond that to engage with other realms of Mind. This ability to control and extend our consciousness opens up the entire universe as well as the hidden dimensions of our own psyche for examination. 

Jimmy Henderson is a philosopher, metaphysician and the author of a number of books and articles on inner self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy, a Masters degree in Psychology, and is currently busy with his PHD in cognitive psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and and can also be ordered via his website

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Collective Mind

The existence of a collective mind 

By Jimmy Henderson (Hons BA (phil) MA (psychology) FRC

There is evidence to suggest that the unconscious mind of each person may be inextricably linked at a very deep level to a universal sea of consciousness. This is based on the many cases in which metaphysical practitioners have been able to access this ultimate level of mind during deep meditation and have had some remarkable inner experiences in which they discovered an expanded awareness and were able to make contact with the thoughts and personalities of other persons.

Regular sojourns into this realm of mind also result in very powerful, lucid and complex dreams which reflect a mythological and highly symbolic content, which all points to Carl Jung’s research into the 'Collective unconscious', in which he suggested that this area of the mind can be viewed as a vast storehouse of sensations, impressions and images representing the thoughts, memories and collective knowledge of mankind over many eons. In some ancient texts this stored collective knowledge is referred to as the Akashic records. 

However, in terms of Jung’s explanation, this common area of mind also contains a host of universal archetypes which provide its content and structure. Due to the structuring of our human processes of perception, these archetypes usually present themselves during deep meditation as human-like figures or even mythological creatures which appear to have a life and consciousness of their own. This inner experience possibly represents that which has given rise to the many tales of fantasy, myths and legends (and possibly even religions) of old.

One needs to understand that  the veil separating us from this alternate experience of reality is actually so thin that it is possible to move beyond it simply by shifting one’s perception. However, one is usually held back by fear or strongly-held religious beliefs, as preparing to consciously move beyond this veil can be compared to standing on the edge of a precipice, which, on one side, remains the known, familiar everyday world, and beyond, an unknown reality exists. 

In this reality the laws of the physical world no longer seem to be effective and new principles of the mind will be seen to apply. For example, once entering this universal realm of mind, one’s symbolic processes of interpretation automatically translate any thought, emotion or impression into a visual representation. The resulting images create completely new and strange scenarios in which one is able to interact with representations of one's own psyche, deceased friends and relatives as well as those archetypal beings mentioned earlier which could be said to be embodying energies and patterns of the collective unconscious in a symbolic form. 

The journey into the deepest areas of one's mind to connect with this collective unconscious is normally reserved for those who are fully familiar with such advanced inner work 

Jimmy Henderson is a philosopher, cognitive specialist, metaphysician and the author of a number of books and articles on self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and and can also be ordered via his website

Monday, March 10, 2014

Initiating visions

Initiating visions 

By Jimmy Henderson 

‘We must learn to tailor our concepts to fit reality, instead of trying to stuff reality into our concepts.’

Belonging to an ancient order dedicated to spiritual study, we often make use of symbolic rituals during special times of dedication. If applied correctly, similar rituals can also unfold spontaneously in the mind during advanced meditations, usually as a form of an self-initiation.  

The technique is to set a prior intention for such an inner experience and enter a low-light room already in a light mediation with the mind completely at ease and open to any subtle impressions. One's eyes should be half-closed to shut out distractions and also to allow the unconscious mind to impose on one's inner vision. If the approach is successful, images will begin to unfold naturally in the left and right peripheral fields and the entire scenario will seem like a (spontaneous) daydream. Interactive scenarios involving sacred places such as forest glades, medieval castles and Egyptian temples can unfold in this way, all choreographed by the unconscious mind.

This level of spontaneous imagery, which one can truly call a vision, requires a very close prior relationship between conscious and unconscious processes of the mind, a connection which will make ongoing real-time inner communication possible. This connection can be established through the techniques as already described in my books. 

This kind of exercise opens up a new realm of possibilities in which one can begin to reach through and interact with other sub-personalities that exist within Spirit. These personalities can also bring about similar symbolic initiations in the form of visions as part of their teaching to mankind. Hopefully, by this time the reader should be able to understand and accept that we are not alone in this universe, and there are other players on many levels in this game of life and consciousness as well.

Jimmy Henderson is a metaphysician and the author of a number of books and articles on inner self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and and can also be ordered via his website

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Archetypes and the unconscious mind

Archetypes and the unconscious mind 
By Jimmy Henderson (Hons BA (phil), MA (psychology) FRC

Archetypes do not have a well-defined content "but from the moment they become conscious, namely nurtured with the stuff of conscious experience."
Carl Jung

The passage to higher levels of consciousness must always pass though our own unconscious, an area of the mind in which forgotten and repressed memories, as well as a collection of personal archetypes are to be found. These archetypes, which can include the 'inner child', 'the hero' and the 'victim',  will take the form of vivid and sometimes even fearsome humanlike figures, as they are personifications of our doubts, fears and other unresolved aspects of personality. However, they all have an essential consciousness (derived from our own), and it is actually possible to communicate with them.

During lucid dreams, meditation or altered states, these archetypes will usually emerge one at a time from the background to present a challenge as to the negative thoughts, emotions and actions which have brought them into being or to the reasons for their neglect. The matter can be managed by facing and communicating with each apparition in turn, attempting a resolution by explaining past actions and motives, accepting any message or lesson they bring, requesting forgiveness and recommitting to a new course of action. In this way, the resolution of personal archetypes is possible and passage to deeper areas of mind becomes possible.

Further along the journey, possibly during later dreams, meditations or semi-trance states, one will most likely be exposed to a series of spontaneously unfolding vistas and scenarios of which the content is also spontaneously generated by the personal unconscious. These scenarios are designed to expose one’s deepest doubts and fears and are a natural initiatory mechanism to protect the fragile human mind and determine whether one possesses the necessary attributes such as courage, fortitude and conviction with which to proceed further.

By applying the power of intention, active control of the unfolding scenes can be assumed and conscious decisions made to face the challenges one at a time. The kind of symbolic initiatory scenarios that can be expected could include having to complete a dangerous climb up a mountain or a passage through a dark cave. One would have little success in progressing with a journey into the depths, power and mystery of one's own Mind if even these initial psychological obstacles cannot be faced and overcome. 

Jimmy Henderson is a metaphysician and author of a number of books and articles on self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and can also be ordered via his own website

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mental creation

Mental creation  
By Jimmy Henderson 

‘One's values are profoundly changed when he is finally convinced that creation is only a vast motion picture and that not in, but beyond, lies his own ultimate reality.’
George Harrison (the Beatles)

Much has already been said about the human ability to create images and indeed entire scenes using only the power of thought. Mental creation using imagery is not difficult and this skill can be applied during meditation as well as lucid dreaming. Sometimes mental creations can be so real that they become almost tangible. And this is important for understanding the formation of a sense of reality in the mind and even the physical creation of the Universe.

In this regard, it should be quite clear that the levels of energy outside of the mind (the actual material environment) are much denser and slower-moving than that which is within the mind, and any form of physical manipulation using only mind-power is extremely difficult, but not impossible. For example, recent scientific experiments conducted by Professor Yamamoto on the formation of ice crystals in liquid (water) have shown that the human mind can have a definite effect on the transformation and structuring of matter, in that ice-crystals will assume different patterns in response to the thoughts and emotions of the observer. Experiments in respect of the Wave-and-Particle Theory of Matter have also suggested that the focus and intent of the experimenters themselves can affect the readings that are obtained.

However, with our present human level of mind and consciousness, most creative actions in the everyday world are performed with the assistance of the body, which is specifically evolved to shape and manipulate matter on this plane, although the initial images involved in the planning and shaping of the work are created and held in the mind. In fact, the sluggishness with which change takes place on this sphere is actually necessary at this stage of human development. One can well imagine the havoc that could occur in the world if everyone (including selfish and undisciplined minds), had the power to control or create matter and energy with the mind, or to bring about immediate changes in circumstances or events.

That kind of mental power would therefore logically have to be reserved for advanced beings that have attained the necessary level of consciousness and understanding to use it responsibly, for instance, those who, through the ages, have demonstrated the ability though (so-called) miracles. 

Even within the exploration of mind, when it comes to working with mental energy it is always advisable to exercise caution and seek guidance. A strong and sudden influx of consciousness could affect normal mental functioning and even ‘fry’ one’s neural circuits (in a manner of speaking) if one is unprepared. Any advancement in energy work should therefore be gradual in order to allow one’s body and mind to grow accustomed to the necessary inner changes.

Jimmy Henderson is a metaphysician and the author of a number of books and articles on inner self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and can also be ordered via his own website