Monday, December 30, 2013

What are material Things?

What are material things?
BY Jimmy Henderson (Hons (phil) MA (psych)

“Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.”

We know from scientific research that so-called material objects are only complex combinations and concentrations of energy having characteristics which we perceive as colour, mass and form. This links up with some psychological research (Constructivism), which suggests that images of objects and indeed reality itself, are actually constructed and assembled in our minds. For example, a sand-castle appears solid enough, but a simple sweep of the hand or foot is sufficient to reduce it to its constituent parts, namely fine grains of sand.

The words ‘solid’ and ‘real’ are therefore only concepts we use to describe a level of energy  which is tangible to our senses. However, science and psychology both suggest that there is certainly a basis to reality, although it certainly may not be exactly as we perceive it, and probably a representation of something far more fluid and complex.

In his article, ‘The primacy of consciousness’ Peter Russel believes that the building blocks of so-called matter (molecules, atoms, and sub-atomic particles) are ultimately derived from a mental essence or ‘mindstuff’ called chitta in Sanskrit, which is essentially consciousness. This would correspond to the older mystical concept of the ‘ethers’ and provide the underlying form to the images, sounds, sensations, thoughts, and feelings we experience. However, exactly how thought or consciousness can become sufficiently concentrated to form substance is still not clear, although Russel suggests that ‘variations’ do take place within the mental essence.

The human brain also has the ability to augment, add to, or fill in gaps in perception. This implies that if we encounter an object or experience for which we do not yet have an existing memory or visual concept to use as a reference, we will struggle to categorise it in its natural state and our interpretative processes will present it in a symbolic form (such as substance), which is more familiar.

‘We are formed from ‘star stuff, the same energy patterns that formed the universe’
J. Henderson

Scientifically, the possibility therefore exists that consciousness itself could be equated with conscious energy, which when entering this plane of existence, becomes recognisable forms of energy. In line with this thinking, the ‘variations’ that Russel refers to could ultimately be patterns of thought (imagery) within a greater universal Mind, moulded by the power of pure intention to become matrices for the formation of energy patterns which we presently perceive as matter, natural substances (the elements) and physical phenomena. 

This has recently been scientifically proven by the discovery of a universal field able to bring about cohesion and mass on this plane of reality (the Higgs-Boson or ‘God’-particles). In other words, with one's realisation of substance being relative to the mind, even though experienced by us as dense and solid, our notion of substance could very well still be only patterns (images) formed within a universal (divine) Mind.

Jimmy Henderson is a philosopher, metaphysician and the author of a number of books and articles on self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and and can also be ordered via the Metavarsity website as well as his own website


Please note that my articles as well as book reviews are available on my website

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Is life simply a dream?

Is life simply a dream?
Jimmy Henderson

Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one.’
Albert Einstein

Metaphors are also very useful in explaining what is meant by some writers when they refer to the world as an illusion, a delusion or a dream. As conscious beings we can all dream, and there is no logical reason why a cosmic singularity such as a larger, universal (divine) Mind should not be able to create complex dreamlike scenarios as well in which we, as self-conscious archetypal images would be merely actors, and every event taking place in this world merely a dramatisation. Although our sensations, emotions and experiences would seem very real in terms of our limited perception, as with a dream, our sensory experiences may exist only in consciousness.

“Indeed, the whole world is imagination, while He is the Real in Reality. Whoever understands this knows all the secrets of the Spiritual Path.”
Ibn Al-'Arabi

The fact that we all essentially have the same experience of life and reality would suggest that this one dream would be shared by all, and this once again supports the idea of a unified or collective Mind. The dream-metaphor can also explain a number of scientific, psychological, philosophic and religious theories and dilemmas in the world today, for example, why in science, we are, as yet, unable to discover the ultimate source of reality. However, when reality is viewed on another level as the dream-state of a universal Mind, a possible answer presents itself, in that we ourselves form an integral part of the dream, and as such, are simply unable to measure it.  

In terms of psychology, the dream-metaphor has some support from research into Constructivism, in which the structure and functioning of our perceptual processes suggests that we may have constructed a self-imposed veil of delusion to hide a reality that is, as yet, not able to be mentally processed.  Research shows that our own dreams are the result of issues and tensions seeking resolution, and philosophically, using the dream metaphor, human history could similarly be seen as a process of adjustment, correction (resolution) and expansion taking place within a universal (divine) Mind or consciousness.

The dream metaphor introduces another possibility, that within the shared dream, we each have a higher self or soul that is a dreamer in its own right. In terms of this analogy, the human soul could be compared to the eye of a storm, a centre of pure self-awareness surrounded by levels of perceptual (sensory), emotional and psychological activity which flow and feed from this core. In other words, one’s experience of human life is ultimately limited to a series of or enactments involving a multitude of characters and scenarios which could be compared to a theatrical dramatisation or even a dream. 

This would suggest that each person’s personal circumstances and experiences are the result of his or her own co-created dream and explains the religious dilemma that error and imperfection exists and yet the soul remains pure and is not subject to corruption. They remain like dust on the cloak of spirituality and can be shaken off through a process of acknowledgement, confession and forgiveness. In other words, inner resolution is more a process of ‘letting go’ to unveil the authentic self rather than trying to construct a more perfect sense of self. At the end of the day, perceived imperfections merely represent a lack of understanding of the role and purpose of the collective dream, and these will eventually dissolve into nothingness, leaving behind the only reality, which is consciousness itself.

 ‘The branches of a tree are shaken by the wind; the trunk remains unmoved’.
Helena P. Blavatsky

Finally, the metaphor of the dream can also help to explain a number of controversial religious ideas such as rebirth and reincarnation. In everyday life we fall asleep and dream, awaken to new experiences, only to later fall asleep and dream again. Yet we remain the same person. This process could also apply to souls as well, having to pass through different dreams (spheres of experience) until they awaken fully. 

Jimmy Henderson is a philosopher, metaphysical teacher and the author of a number of books and articles on self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and and can also be ordered via the Metavarsity website as well as his own website

Monday, December 23, 2013

The reconciliation of the sciences

The reconciliation of the sciences 
By Jimmy Henderson

 ‘Relativity teaches us the connection between the different descriptions of one and the same reality’
Albert Einstein

The selective way in which the human mind extracts knowledge from the universe, and its ability to construct a personal sense of reality, provides a framework within which science, psychology, philosophy and religion can be reconciled. In other words, the fact that all human experience is shaped by the mind, packaged and represented in highly selective perceptions, thoughts and beliefs (schemas), explains how a single reality can be differentiated and interpreted in terms of scientific or psychological theories and philosophical or religious ideas, depending on which perspective and framework of interpretation is applied. In this regard, many scholars have spoken of a ‘golden thread’ which connects all knowledge. 

The selective nature of the human mind also explains how a singularity of pure existence and consciousness can be legitimately viewed by religionists as a personal God and at the same time by scientists as a universal energy source or substance. Acknowledging this truth should therefore result in an improved tolerance of the opinions and beliefs of others.

However, this selectivity also serves a practical purpose, in that it allows us to extract, process and unravel the otherwise unfathomable content of the universe one mystery at a time. In this way we are able to interpret the shifts, changes and movements taking place on a universal scale in terms of concrete and understandable world-events and situations and manageable concepts. In other words, our current mental processing allows us to function adequately on this level until such time as we are able to evolve higher mental processes which will enable us to engage more dimensions of reality simultaneously.

This also suggests that, as our consciousness and perception unfold and become more encompassing, our ability to explore the unknown and to interpret, conceptualise and understand these experiences, should naturally grow. 

At this present time such unfoldment is gradual, as the fragility of the mind will not permit rapid shifts in perception. However, a huge potential exists to consciously upgrade our mental processing, creating the opportunity for even greater insights into the nature and existence of self and reality. 

 Jimmy Henderson a well-known metaphysician and regular radio talk show guest. He is the author of many articles as well as two published books entitled ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ and ‘Multi-Dimensional Perception’ which are available at Exclusive books, and 


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Human purpose and the Universe

Human purpose and the Universe
By Jimmy Henderson (Hons BA (Phil) , MA (Psychology)

The (second order) systems approach in psychology may provide an (abstract) explanation for the fundamental question relating to mankind’s purpose and existence. 

For instance, the operations of the human mind and the complex, dynamic interacting scenarios which frame the actions of living things suggest that we may be existing within a larger, meta- or universal system (of mind) in which all of life and reality are inextricably connected. In terms of this framework, human experience and action would represent an ongoing process of inner communication, movement, structuring, change and expansion taking place in the 'communities' of sub-structures that exist within this universal singularity, in which human beings can be seen as archetypal sub-personalities or forms. 
Evolution and mental advancement would be linked to interactions taking place between the different archetypal forms, as well to adaptations to challenges produced by the natural internal dynamics of the Meta-system. On the level of human experience, these exchanges and challenges would be experienced as a series of interactions, situations and events occurring in the life of each individual which would be designed to promote growth and development and ultimately contribute to the content, structure and development of the whole. In fact, in terms of this approach, all the different levels and sub-systems within the Meta-system would, as a result of sustained interaction and activity, naturally shift and tend towards greater levels of complexity. 

A suitable metaphor for the unfolding of the individual human mind and consciousness within this Meta-system would be the image of a burning coal being placed in the middle of a paper ball comprised of many rolled-up sheets. The heat of the hot coal will slowly burn its way from the inside out until it reaches the outer layers of the (paper) structure. 

Applying this to human history, this would imply that we, as individual archetypes of this Meta-system (of mind), also play our part in mediating the passage of consciousness to the outermost levels of Being. 

Jimmy Henderson is a philosopher, metaphysican and cognitive specialist and the author of a number of books and articles on self-development. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and and can also be ordered via his website

Friday, December 6, 2013

Religious concepts and ideas

The development of religious concepts and ideas 
by Jimmy Henderson 
Hons(phil), MA (psychology) FRC

The rise and waning of various religions and religious practices throughout the ages could be a reflection of natural changes and shifts in human consciousness and perception. For instance, with the evolving human ability to form abstract concepts, ideas involving God could have shifted between different levels or groups of archetypal figures and sub-personalities available to inner experience.

For example, the earliest religions consisted of the worship of spirits which were said to animate mountains, trees and rivers, and the actions of these spirits were seen as responsible for natural phenomena. Later a series of polytheistic religions emerged, such as that of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Aryans. This suggested a movement away from an almost infinite amount of spiritual sub-personalities to a more finite number of gods or deities, which could very well be representations of archetypal personalities existing within the depths of a single universal singularity (a sort of collective mind).

It has also been suggested that polytheism occurred at that time in history precisely because the human mind was still unable to conceive of a single being having so many different powers, aspects and attributes as has subsequently been revealed to the world. This would have only have become possible later with the further evolution of language, during which time monotheistic conceptualisations of God became possible.

As a result of the connection between the active role of the mind, differences in cultural-historical interpretation and linguistic development, no conception of God can ever be viewed as illegitimate, only more or less complete.

Conscience is the highest religion’
J . Henderson

 Jimmy Henderson is a metaphysician and the author of a number of books and articles on self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and can also be ordered via his own website

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Further Universal principles

Universal principles :
By Jimmy Henderson

‘Pick up a flower in a field and you may disturb a star in the sky. All is interconnected. Nothing is separate. Everything has its place, its function. Nothing is here for nothing. Everything is here for                                                                                             everything. Take Care’      Tishan

Another important principle is that of ‘inclusiveness’. This is related to concepts of ‘wholeness’ and ‘interconnectedness’. As revealed in one of my earlier books, this principle can be summarised in the following statement: ‘The universe is so much more than I can imagine, and that which any person (including myself) believes or can see, is only part of a far bigger picture’ (Multi-Dimensional Thinking, 2007).

‘Inclusiveness’, fits well with the Ecosystemic approach in psychology, which supports the idea of a Universal Meta-system incorporating all that there is. In terms of this approach, systems use ‘information’ as their ‘currency’, and with human minds being currently unable to process such complex multi-dimensional information,  ‘chunk up’ this single relational system as well as its content into three-dimensional views of reality, personal subjective experiences and seemingly unrelated relationships, situations and events, rather than seeing them as all part of one vast system or network.


‘Sometimes I feel like a mouse running through the maze of life’.
J. Henderson

This particular principle explains how a number of factors mutually influence each other and eventually combine to produce a natural outcome or ‘consequence’ in the form of everyday situations or events. Once again, if viewed within on universal meta-system, this principle describes a balanced network of interconnections in which a change to any one of its sub-systems would affect the others.

Second, in terms of this approach, a universal system would also be ‘self-correcting’, in other words, able to adjust to minor actions or ‘perturbances’. More radical changes, however, would tend to unbalance the system and it may act to correct itself, and any resulting response would be a natural process in which the outcomes or ‘consequences’ are fair, impersonal and impartial.

This principle of natural consequence also applies on a smaller scale to the lives of individual persons. After a number of years of being together members of a family ‘system’ eventually adjust to one another’s idiosyncrasies and there is a balance in the relationships which leads to matters running quite smoothly. However, any serious destructive behaviour on the part of a family member, whether it is a parent or a child, can have serious consequences for all and may even lead to the breakdown of the entire family system. 

Although ‘consequence’ itself is an impersonal principle, most people in everyday life judge the results as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. This normally depends on the particular thinking paradigm that is being used to make the judgment. For instance, within a religious worldview, certain unfortunate world events such as epidemics could be interpreted as the judgment of a wrathful God, whereas within a scientific or medical framework, they would merely be seen as the natural outcome of a combination of factors accumulating over a period of time, such as conditions for the spread of the diseases, actions which render one vulnerable to infection, a failure to take proper precautionary measures and the absence of cures.

As it exists within a meta-system, ‘consequence’ would therefore be a developmental principle moving one away from error and limitation. However, if common sense and reason is not properly exercised, be it in one’s personal or social life, the meta-system will move to correct itself by introducing certain adjustments or outcomes which, on a personal level, may not always be experienced as pleasant. This perspective should really inspire one to take personal responsibility for one’s actions in life.

However, this principle is not without its exceptions, as there is a degree of randomness still existing within the Meta-system which is as yet, still shifting and not fully actualized. This randomness could emerge in situations and events not related to one’s own actions, choices or decisions, such as (freak) accidents or even being a victim of crime.

When you think everything is someone else´s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy’
Dalai Lama

Jimmy Henderson is a metaphysician and the author of a number of books and articles on self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. His books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and can also be ordered via his website

Monday, December 2, 2013

The principle of Universality

By Jimmy Henderson
‘All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom’.
Albert Einstein

‘Universality’ normally refers to an idea or situation that can be applied universally to all persons and nations. In this case, the principle of ‘universality’ would also apply to one's concept of God, which would, by definition, be equally available to all and all-encompassing. 

This principle also links up with psychological research which suggests many possible (subjective) versions of truth and reality. Metaphorically, what each group or person therefore sees or understands of the world, could be explained as different pieces and shades of cloth cut from one universal fabric.

The further implications of the principle of universality can be explained using the analogy or metaphor of a cardboard puzzle. If a very large, complicated puzzle is presented to a group of small children, due to their immaturity, inexperience and limited ability to reason, it is unlikely that it would ever be completed (Multi-Dimensional Thinking, 2007). However, if one separates the puzzle into much smaller pieces and gives each child a section to complete on his or her own, be it a corner, a border or a certain patch of colour, it is quite possible that each child will be successful with his or her section, and later, if they agree to work together and combine their different sections, the entire puzzle will take form.

The implications of this metaphor are that each school of scientific, psychological, philosophical or religious thought existing in the world today could be said to have a piece of the great puzzle containing some answers to the mysteries of life, mankind and the universe. However, at present, each group believes their small section to be the entire puzzle and are unable to see that what they have completed is only a small part of a far larger, more comprehensive, many-faceted and multi-layered picture of the collective nature of Being and existence.

Even within each completed section there are still parts missing, pieces of the puzzle that could enable the various groupings to see their inter-dependence and relationship to each other. It is these missing pieces that give rise to the confusion, contradictions and paradoxes that one experiences in everyday life, and it is only in coming together in cooperation and being willing to share knowledge and information with each other, that mankind will ever discover a more integrated, holistic and multi-dimensional view of the universe and reality.

 Jimmy Henderson is a well-known metaphysician and regular radio talk show guest. He is the author of many articles as well as two metaphysical self-help books entitled ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ and ‘Multi-Dimensional Perception’ which are available at Exclusive Books, and He is also a facilitator with Metavarsity and based in Durban, South Africa.
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