Thursday, July 31, 2014

Working with energy

Working with energy

By Jimmy Henderson (MA psychology) FRC

Although scientists have identified various modes of energy in the Universe, some quantum physicists believe that there is only one source, that of consciousness itself. 

It is a well-known scientific fact that energy is never lost, and is merely transformed. If one accepts the argument that consciousness is merely a highly active mode of (conscious) energy, it is not unreasonable to believe that a superior universal consciousness would also produce lower forms of energy able to flow through its structures, even to the point of providing the underlying energy-templates for that which we experience as ‘matter’.

When engaging with the this universal consciousness, any experience would have to be adapted to ‘fit’ the human biological, neurological and mental structures, which are actually very slow in comparison to the movement of unimpeded energy (the speed of light). This ‘adaptation’ would account for the loss of consciousness experienced during physical embodiment and this would be even more the case with less-evolved biological systems such as animals, plants and minerals.

Exploring deeper higher levels of the mind demands extremely high levels of mental energy. In fact, the deeper one connects with this universal consciousness, the more energy is required for one's symbolic processes to construct a workable sense of reality and to structure archetypal patterns into recognizable forms.

It can also be seen how the focus, attention and concentration required during advanced imagery such as the creation and sustaining of mental ‘membranes’ or ‘portals’ for passage into the deeper levels of mind, places huge demands on one’s energy resources.

This energy-depletion will be experienced as a wandering focus, an inability to maintain concentration and physical fatigue. When engaging in complex mental processes such as those already indicated, it is important to monitor one’s state of mind and level of energy, and when these symptoms become apparent, begin a slow, controlled, safe return to normal consciousness, as terminating the process too suddenly could result in disorientation and confusion.

However, practitioners maintain that these energies can be replenished by means of certain meditations, prayers or petitions. For instance, those who have connected with their higher selves (which they sometimes refer to as their ‘souls’) report a sudden unexpected deep breath and rush of energy which makes them to gasp.   

Even from a psychological point of view, a thought alone can unlock huge amounts of physical energy and activity, such as the excitement produced in a person learning that he or she has won a large amount of money. In this same way, during meditation, the energy of the mind can be increased dramatically by any positive thought which generates a powerful emotion such as joy or excitement which is then transformed into energy and harnessed for inner work.   

Massive accumulations of energy are to be found throughout the Universe in celestial bodies such as stars (suns), galaxies and nebulae. Other modes of this energy are also found in the Earth as well as concentrated in clusters in the human body itself. Metaphysical practitioners report that during the subjective or altered states of mind discussed previously, it is possible to tap into these energies with the correct use of intention and attunement. 

Jimmy Henderson is a published author and cognitive specialist who integrates philosophy and metaphysics with psychology. His books and e-books are to be found on

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