Saturday, January 18, 2014

Changing one’s view of reality

Changing one’s view of reality

By Jimmy Henderson
BA Hons (Phil), MA (psychology) 
‘The universe as we know it is a joint product of the observer and the observed’.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Research suggests that what we see or experience of reality can also largely depend on our paradigm of thinking. For instance, a person with a scientific approach to life will probably hold the belief that this is a purely material universe in which everything began with a single cosmic event, and that life was spontaneously generated by electrical charges and chemical reactions. In this case, the unconscious schemas (or subliminal mental programs) which provide the ‘rules’ which influence this person’s sense of reality would probably contain core beliefs along the lines of; ‘matter is all that exists’ ; and ‘reality is only that which can be seen’.

The problem is that, when encountering new inner experiences which challenge this scientific view of reality or the universe, such as visions or moments of intuition, this person would probably rationalize them away, ignore them, or even deny their validity, simply because they do not conform to his/her existing scientific beliefs.

Similarly, someone with a religious paradigm would probably all see creation, life and the universe (reality) as the action of a transcendent Divine Being (God), and also cleave to a number of core beliefs embedded at a subliminal level, but in this case, derived solely from sacred scriptures.

Being unwilling to look beyond one’s existing paradigm ('outside of the box'), whether it be a scientific, religious or any other rigid framework, will make it difficult to understand or engage in any practices relating to a higher (metaphysical) reality such as meditation, intuition, energy-work, clairvoyance and the projection of consciousness. As mentioned previously, it is likely that any such new experiences (if occurring spontaneously), could be completely overlooked or even consciously ignored.

‘The boundaries of your reality have to be loosened in order for you to see into the great mystery beyond’
J. Henderson

This type of selective mental processing can place limits on our growth and understanding. And if we ever wish to truly understand and experience the infinite possibilities of the universe and reality as available to us, these limiting schemas which often relate to ourselves, our true purpose and to reality itself, will have to be changed or replaced with a more open and expansive set of subliminal beliefs or ‘rules’ which will ensure that no self-imposed limits are placed on our consciousness and perception.

As mentioned in earlier articles, this process can be kick-started with new ideas, affirmations and intentions which form part of a more open, holistic and inclusive framework of thinking and approach to life. Simple truths upon which to reflect at this stage could include; ‘Perhaps reality is not as I believe it to be’, and ‘surely there is more to being human than being just a body’. 

Jimmy Henderson is a philosopher, metaphysician and the author of a number of books and articles on self-development. He has an Honours degree in philosophy (metaphysics) and a Masters degree in Psychology. He is presently busy with his PHD in cognitive psychology and his books ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ (2007) and ‘Multi-dimensional Perception’ (2010) are available on and and can also be ordered via his website

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