Thursday, November 21, 2013

A simple meditation to reduce stress    By Jimmy Henderson

‘In the interval between words, between thoughts, comes understanding’.

   Meditation has great health benefits and aids in the relaxation of the brain. As a form of de-stressing, it brings about a temporary detachment from everyday issues and problems, allowing one’s mind to reset itself and has also been shown to increase one’s sense of mastery and control. This is especially true when meditation is conducted outside in the garden or in some natural setting. The presence of trees, flowers and even running water greatly enhance feelings of well-being and relaxation.

   Meditation is based on sound psychological principles such as mental relaxation, mental creating and conscious mind control, which can bring about changes in one’s brainwave pattern and subsequent state of mind. In fact, it has become a recognised practice in some forms of therapy and is also finding acceptance in mainline religious and spiritual movements today. For instance, the ‘centering prayer’ as taught in a number of churches is a simple form of meditation.
   Meditation is also a powerful tool in one’s personal growth and development, as it  introduces a state of ‘mindfulness’ which increases one’s awareness and sensitivity to inner sensory cues such as sensations, feelings and impressions, opening one to a new experience and understanding of self. It is usually combined with visualisation or imagery to further deepen one’s relaxation and develop the imagery centres in the brain.

   The following exercise is a simple form of meditation to release stress which can be practiced at home or at the office.

   Sit quietly and comfortably, close your eyes and begin to breathe to a count of one to five. Focus on nothing else but the counting (either aloud or in your mind). Breathe in 1,2,3,4,5 hold your breath, 1,2,3,4, 5 breathe out 1,2,3,4,5 hold your breath 1,2,3,4,5 breathe in 1,2,3,4,5 and so on.

  Carry on with the counting and breathing until your mind is free of all thought, completely quiet and you feel totally relaxed. Try to meditate in this way for at least twenty seconds, a few times each day.

Jimmy Henderson is a well-known metaphysician and regular radio talk show guest. He is the author of a number of articles as well as two books entitled ‘Multi-Dimensional Thinking’ and ‘Multi-Dimensional Perception’ which are available at Exclusive Books, and and his website

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